Start-up permit as of 01-01-2015
As of 01-01-2015 it will be possible to apply for a residence permit to start-up a business which permit will be issued initially for one year.
Conditions to qualify for a start-up permit:
-the entrepreneur to be must have a facilitator with a reliable and experienced record
-the entrepreneur to be should run an innovative business and must have sufficient financial means
-the business should be registered at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce
Whether or not the business is innovative will be determined by the RVO (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland), a subsidiary of the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
After this initial year conditions for renewal of the permit must be in line with criteria which are currently valid to qualify as an entrepreneur.
The former Dutch Euro Commissioner, Mrs Neelie Kroes, has been appointed to further strengthen the international position of the Netherlands as “the ultimate country to start-up a business” to attract an increasing number of start-ups from other countries with the aim to rank innovative Dutch companies in an international top position.
It is not known as yet what other conditions will apply to further simplify immigration procedures but we will update you as soon as we know.
If in the meantime you have any questions then please get in contact with us.