Eva Jongkoen

+31 70 3615048

Eva Jongkoen

Expat family law, mediator

Eva Jongkoen is a family law lawyer and MfN mediator.

She also graduated in psychology. Later in life, Eva became a lawyer after having already gained a lot of experience in the mental health sector, at the Youth Care Advisory and Complaints Office, the National Ombudsman and the Children’s Ombudsman.

Her two studies and experience make Eva an exceptional lawyer. Eva can combine her legal skills with her knowledge as a psychologist.

From her years of work experience, she knows a lot about families and children in conflict situations. This allows her to add value for her clients.

In family law, Eva handles, among other things, divorce, custody and access issues, maintenance matters and issues concerning parentage, adoption and gender reassignment. Eva aims to achieve the best solution for her clients, not only legally but also a durable one. Eva assists clients with advice, litigation and is a mediator.